Hi there, thanks for stopping by!

My name is Steve and I never thought I’d be interested in real estate but here I am. I was born and raised in Tampa, FL and after high school I joined the the military. After my contract was up I decided to go to college for criminal justice and later dabbled in IT security before somehow ending up training to be a life insurance agent. While browsing the internet on the laptop I purchased to conduct insurance presentations, I stumbled upon internet marketing. That soon became a passion and I eventually started helping real estate professionals advertise before I became interested in real estate myself. I saw an opportunity to help people who might be in a tough situation and need to sell their house, and also a way to help my family financially along the way. After thinking long and hard and doing the research, I made the decision to get started. So if you’re currently facing a problem such as a foreclosure, divorce, a damaged property, lousy tenants, an inherited property or anything in between and you need to sell a property, please reach out. Maybe we can work together to find a solution. I look forward to hearing from you.